I just want to start out by saying that I'm terribly sorry if this post comes off as a rant, but I'll try not to make it such. I also want you to know that I am not into politics, and I don't claim either political party. I do vote in the elections where I've done my research, and found which candidate I align most closely with. I generally feel like if I don't vote, or voice my opinion, I have no right to complain. I did vote in the last presidential election. All of the being said, I feel more strongly about the current healthcare proposal than I've felt about anything political in my life. I work in a healthcare provider's office, and I deal with insurance, and have recently had some dealings with Medicare. I have patients calling me all of the time crying because of how badly they are treated by Medicare. If you think private insurance is a racket, you haven't seen anything until you've experienced Medicare. I know you may be thinking that the universal healthcare plan isn't Medicare, but it's basically the same style system we're looking at. I feel very strongly about certain elective medical procedures, and I certainly don't want my tax dollars paying for someone to have an abortion or to be euthenized. Yes. It's legal in a few states. On the same token, I don't want to die because it took a month to get me in for a surgery that if I'd had quickly, I would've been fine in a few days. All non-private hospitals are already required to see any person who walks into their door. They can't refuse treatment.
It is time for us all to research what the plan includes and excludes and call all of our representatives to let them know where we stand. We cannot sit back and let this pass and let future generations just deal with it. No, our healthcare system isn't perfect, but this plan would be so much worse for our country. Just ask all of the immigrants who have come here to get away from this type of system in their native country. Yes. I believe it's time.
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
Hi Ashleigh - It's Taracooks here. I think we're all scared silly over what's happening politically. I lack faith in our Gov't to make any system better.
ReplyDeleteYou had commented on the cornbread salad about adding okra which I bet would be delish. I'm looking for a good fried okra salad recipe. Have you ever tried that?
Yes! Say it, FoF! Right on.