I believe that every woman needs a best friend. No, your husband, boyfriend, family members, dog, cat, and guinea pig don’t count. We need the kinship of another woman because men don’t understand everything that we feel or go through. We need a friend who will be there no matter what. Who will tell us the brutally honest truth no matter how much we don’t want to hear it. Who will drop everything and be there for us when we go through a break-up, divorce, sickness or loss. A friend who will go to the terrifying Dr.’s appointment because they’ve found something that doesn’t look good. We all need one friend who will listen to us rant for hours on end without mentioning that they just had a horrible day too. One who will listen when we’re crying so hard they can’t make out what we’re saying. We need the friend who knows when we need a chick flick and a pint of double chocolate fudge brownie ice-cream. We all need a best friend who is funny and who doesn’t take themselves too seriously. We need a friend who isn’t afraid to be absolutely ridiculous in front of us. Who will work out with us, meet us for a quick lunch, who will tell is if we’re being awful to our men, who doesn’t back stab us, and who will defend us if we need it. We need a friend who isn’t jealous of us and doesn’t care to share any lime light that may be given. Best friends should laugh together and cry together. Your best friend should help hold you accountable in every aspect of your life. They should lift you up, and never tear you down. I have to say that I am so fortunate to have a best friend who fits all of these qualities, and I’m so thankful. So many days, talking with her or hanging out with her is my therapy. I hope all of you are as blessed as I am, and if you aren’t be on the lookout. I met my best friend in college and our friendship has just grown ever since. We went for years living hours apart, and now we’re so lucky to be in the same town. I just hope that am as good a friend as she is to me.
You are, you are!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I got all verklempt reading that. Seriously. I feel the same way, Friend of Friends.
And I miss you - this week has been torture not being able to talk or email or just hang. We need some serious hang-time next week!
Love you!