I hope you all had a great weekend and were able to call, spend time, or reflect on time spent with your dad or father figure. I was able to make a quick trip to visit with my Dad for a few hours. One of my favorite things about my Dad is that he doesn’t take himself too seriously. I think I take after him in that way. I hope I do.
So, on to todays make a difference Monday. One of the lost arts of our society is expressing gratitude/thankfulness. I know so many ladies in their late 70’s and 80’s that still have it. You know the ones who have the ability to write poetic thank you notes or who always bake a cake to express their sincere gratitude. I have been fortunate to be surrounded by so many women in my life who have led by their example and I hope that I do half as good a job as they have in showing my gratitude toward them and others. I think we live in such a fast paced society with such a “gimme” mindset that we often take the little things for granted or else we just feel like we’re entitled to everything. It’s very important not only for others, but for ourselves that we take time to give a genuine thanks to those who have had a special impact in our lives even if through just one deed. Maybe it was your parents, maybe it wasn’t. Maybe it was a teacher, a co-worker, a neighbor; someone at church… the list could go on and on. Showing your gratitude is such a simple thing to do, and yet is often left undone. Today, pick at least one person who has impacted your life in a wonderful way and tell them how much you appreciate them. Sometimes all it takes to make a difference is to tell someone they’ve made a difference to you.
You make a difference to me, dear Friend of Friends.
ReplyDeleteSeriously. You really, really do. I would go nuts without you.
I'd be THAT girl.
All I know is that cake looks so yummy. Does it count if you bake a cake for someone and keep half?