The week is winding down. In my world it means it’s time to forget about all things stressful, kick off your shoes, and just have fun! The last part of spring is such a great part of the year. It’s nice and warm, but not scalding hot. This makes weekend days and nights so much fun because you don’t have to be cooped up inside. I love being outside gardening, boating, going to the pool etc., but so many of my friends would rather just stay inside and read or watch movies. I'm all for this when it's freezing outside, but not while the grass is green and the birds are chirping. To those of you who would rather hibernate indoors I say this –force yourself to go outside this weekend. I know the thought of it makes you want to sink back down into your bed, but take a great book or your i-pod, find a pretty park or garden and take it all in. You may find that you feel more like you belong in your favorite book or movie if you’re actually out doing something rather than sitting on the bed in your pajamas eating Bon-Bons. For those of us who love to be outdoors here are some other ideas for getting out this weekend either by yourself or with friends and family. Putt-putt (aka mini golf), disc golf, catch a local baseball game, walk around an outdoor shopping complex, visit a local farmers’ market, fishing, swimming, boating/canoeing, hit the beach, take a walk or a hike, rock climb, play games in your back yard, walk or jog, visit a local garden or do some gardening at home. Make some yummy homemade ice-cream to enjoy on the back porch. Life is short. Take time to enjoy it. Sometimes to add to the beauty, you have to take in the beauty that surrounds you. Forget the weekly stresses and focus on the fun because it’s FRIDAY!!!!
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago